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HomeLPAPA CalendarPaint Out at the Casa with Rick J. Delanty

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Paint Out at the Casa with Rick J. Delanty

About this event

Rick Delanty Easel at Casa Romantica

LPAPA Paint Out at the Casa with Rick J. Delanty
Wednesday May 26, 2021 at 10:00 am

Register for the LPAPA Paint Out at the Casa to join LPAPA Signature Artist Rick J. Delanty for a private tour of his solo exhibition "Beauty Unites Us" and an exclusive opportunity to paint with Rick on the Casa grounds.

Limited to a maximum of 15 LPAPA Members. Advance registration is required for entry/access guest list.

Registration Fee:  $25.00 for LPAPA Members Only (plus $5 Casa Romantica Entry Fee)

Note: LPAPA Members must login to register for this event.

Date and Time

Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM


Virtual Paint Out to be presented online with Zoom
Free to Sign Up for Zoom


Event Contact(s)

Rosemary Swimm
LPAPA's Executive Director
949-584-9162 (p)

Bonnie Langner
LPAPA's Executive Assistant


LPAPA Workshop

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Advance registration is required for entry to this exclusive LPAPA Member Paint Out & Tour event that is limited to a maximum of 15 members. Attendees will be required to pay a $5 entry fee to Casa Romantica at time of entry, and wear face-masks and practice social distancing during event.

Must register no later than 12:00 noon PDT the day before on Tuesday May 25th to be added to the guest list for entry on May 26th. Entry fee of $5 to paid directly to Casa Romantica the day of the event.

When registering, LPAPA Members must login to access registration for this event.

Registration fees provide support for nonprofit LPAPA and its education programs. Registration fees are non-refundable unless the event is cancelled by LPAPA or Casa Romantica. This limited special event is not eligible to earn LPAPA Loyalty rewards.